Dual electric fan conversion
Dual electric fan conversion
Photos at upper left and right show the 3rd and final version of the fan control board. Upper left shows two fuseholders (middle and lower) and 75A relay at top of board. Upper right shows two 50A, 75mV shunts and second 75A relay. Lower left shows underside of board wired up. Lower right shows the Dakota Digital controller module which is TyWrapped above and to the left of the brake pedal by the sidewall. Programming is a piece of cake. Note that both shunts provide a voltage to two dash-mounted displays that show the current drawn by each fan, as proof that they are running. They are a Go/NoGo item.
Update: one of the two Derale fans began acting up. It was only drawing 17A while the other was drawing 27A. Nominal draw is 24.9A. So I ordered a new dual fan pack and this one seems fine - both fans draw about 25.5A. Note that when they turn on, they spike up to close to 50A with the inrush current. Very important to use slo-blo fuses.