Dual electric fan conversion


Update: decided not to use another Derale PWM fan controller for number of reasons; went instead with a Dakota Digital unit. With this controller, I used a separate standalone water temp sensor in the outlet pipe of the radiator.

I used a 32mm OD Mishimoto sender adapter with a 1/8” NPT thread for the sensor. In order to make it easier to change coolants between water-based for summer and 50/50 antifreeze for cooler months, I fitted a petcock by tapping a second 1/8” NPT hole on the underside of the Mishimoto adapter. This way, I can easily drain the system.

Above right is the 2nd attempt at the control board, which included the new high current fuse holders and a pair of 0.6 ohm, 50 watt wirewound resistors to act as shunts, the plan being to take the shunt voltage delta and light a pair of LED’s, one per fan. The fans draw so much current that one resistor ran WAY too hot for my liking so this plan was ditched. Back to the 50A, 75mV shunts!